How to inspect for mold - Golden State Mold Inspections

How to inspect for mold

Mold concerns?

Molds are a kind of fungus that grow in damp, dark places. Molds release spores into the air which can cause an allergic reaction or infection (when breathed in). They may also produce toxic substances. Molds reproduce by making tiny threads called hyphae or filaments that join together to form larger networks of hyphae known as mycelium. The mycelium may be found just beneath the surface of materials such as drywall, ceiling tiles, and wood. The entire network of hyphae is sometimes called a mold colony. If you see what looks like black spots growing on bread or other food products, it is not really mold but something else related to food preparation.

Different kinds of molds release spores at different times. Some molds, such as the common bread mold are found everywhere and can easily be seen growing on food products. Others grow in very specific conditions such as water damage or high humidity areas that harbor moisture for long periods of time. There are several thousand known species of fungi that can be found indoors and outdoors but only a few hundred have been identified to produce health effects in humans.


How do you check for mold in a house inspection?

Mold is not welcome in houses. Mold builds up and grows over time. When it covers certain areas of the house, it becomes a problem that affects everyone who lives there. In some cases, mold will cause more damage to property than the original value of the property itself. Without proper care and maintenance, mold can destroy a home in no time at all. It won’t take long before you need professional help to get rid of this unwanted problem. Since mold can be found almost anywhere, it’s important to know how to spot any growths that are likely caused by mold spores . A trained inspector should be able to find common sources of mold as part of their regular inspection process. They can then recognize the types of mold that are growing and the level of severity. It all depends on how long it has been there, as well as the quality of air circulation within the specific property where this problem is found.

If you don’t know what to look for when searching for signs of mold , one way you can check your house is by walking around each room looking up at ceiling boards, under sinks, in bathrooms, in closets and attics . You should also observe areas where water leaks may have occurred and left wetness behind. Mold thrives in dark spots that aren’t exposed to much light or air flow. While standing near these locations with a flashlight , if you notice cracks or holes on any ceilings, walls or floors , you should be alarmed to find mold .


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How do you check for mold in a house inspection?

Mold is not welcome in houses. Mold builds up and grows over time. When it covers certain areas of the house, it becomes a problem that affects everyone who lives there. In some cases, mold will cause more damage to property than the original value of the property itself.
